Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A full Day!

We had such a full day today! We visited some of my old students and then visited with Lisa and her new baby. Who is precious, by the way! I took my camera so that I could take pictures and forgot all about it! THen, Kiki ,Lily and Gaby came over to help us put our new play room together! It is almost finished! The kids now have a sleeping room and a play room. Hopefully that will cut down on some of the clutter that has become my life recently!

Then after all the organizing was done, the boys and I went to Daddy's weigh in. The boys LOVE to go to the lake and see all the fish that the guys catch. Of course, I forgot my camera for that too! I have to get used to this blogging thing!

1 comment:

Johnson's said...

don't worry, you'll get used to it! just always keep it in your purse :) i can't wait to see the playroom... are there 2 extra beds in there? my kids could use a "dog house" these days!