Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Swimming and shaving cream!

Today we had a fun day, just the 3 of us.. We stayed in as much as could considering that its been 104 degrees lately. We went grocery shopping this morning and then at about 4 we went to the neigbor's house to swim. Dayne and Carson were both in floaties, and Dayne invented a game where he held onto the back of Carson's floatie (the back motor) and I was on the front( the trolling motor) Carson would steer the boat and tell us which motor to use and we would make tons of noise and steer the boat. I never in a million years thought that when I had kids I would be pretending to be a boat. A princess, maybe, but never a boat. HA. And the funny thing is-- it was fun!Anyway, after boating, we came inside and the boys got into the tub in their underwear and a bottle of shaving cream.... If you havent noticed already, I LOVE having boys. God really knew what he was doing, blessing us with boys!


The Snow Family said...

I can't get over how big the boys have gotten. They are precious!

Nancy Potts said...

Those simple fun times are often the best. I love the pictures. These will be special times for them to remember.

fivemjs said...

LOVE it!! What great memories!!!