Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This year for Halloween, we went over to the Frank house. It was so much fun! The kids had a blast hanging out with their friends from church. A bit crazy at times, but definately a memorable night. Poor Dayne. I felt so bad for him... He wanted to be a ghost for Halloween and it ended up being a distaster. After getting frustrated with his costume a thousand times, he finally took it off and just trick or treated in his regular clothes. But he had fun anyway. Dont think he will attemt that one next year!

Here's a picture of all the kids in their Halloween finest!

We loaded all the kids up on the back of a trailer and set out for some candy!

Carson and CoCo

Dayne and Kiki

After we were done terrorizing the neighborhood, we went back to the house for some good old fashioned games. This one was called Wrap the Mummy.. Kevin and Lou got to be the mummies...

We bobbed for apples and then played tackle the toucan.. ( the Franks got the big toucan as a joke and the kids LOVE to tackle it) While we were playing with the toucan, we got a very sweet surprise. Uncle Jared and Aunt Katie stopped by to say Hi!

It was definately a memorable Halloween!


Nancy Potts said...

Sounds like you had a blast. So happy Jared and Katie were able to see y'all,

Unknown said...

Natalie said it looks like Daynes costume was a KKK not a ghost! lol