Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Uh... As of yesterday,I'm 27. I dont know if its a good or bad thing, but I feel like I am and will always be 24. As I watch my kids grow a little everyday, I cant help but think of the day that my little boys will be towering over me, wearing shoes that are twice the size of mine, and speaking in deep voices. And soon, the days of playing in the mud and calling me Mommy, will be traded for girlfriends and sports. To be honest, it scares me a little. I have always known what to do with little kids, how to discipline. But theres one thing that I have learned as my children and I have gotten older.. Its gets alot harder! Whoever told me that small kids were hard... was wrong. As Dayne is getting older, he is forming his own opinions, and feelings about people and problems. Its very weird to watch.. watching my little boy start to become a man. And I have to wonder---- how will God use my kids? What will they be when they grow up? How many kids will they have? Will they think of me as a good mom when its all said and done?Praise God that I am not in control of all of that because I would worry myself to death! Im sure some of you are wondering where this is coming from.. so let me explain... I started this blog as a way to be able to give my kids a journal of their lives. At the end of every year, I will print this and bind it for them. So while it may be a little corny, I want my boys to see me for the way I am and how much I love them... as long as they live.


Nancy Potts said...

Your boys have a wonderful role model in a dad and an exceptional mother, how can they be anything but wonderful. I am really glad God helps you through the years you aren't sure of, if not we would have been in a world of hurt. You have nothing to worry about, spoken from a "non-worrier" right?

Lisa said...

Hope you had a great birthday. By the way, you are a wonderful mom!