There arent any pictures for today.. Just a little story. Dayne has been coming home saying- "mom, one of the kids in my class said a bad word today." Usually, my heart skips a beat and I ask him what word. He usually says that someone said shut up or stupid. Relieved, I reasure him that those are bad words and we dont say them. Well, those days are a thing of the past.
Sometimes, we watch America's Funniest Home Videos together and tonight was one of those nights. Usually its really clean and funny. Tonight, they had a little boy about 2 years old playing golf, and he threw the club and said the D word. Dayne thought it was funny and repeated it. UHHHH While its not really THAT big of a deal- it makes me a little sad. I had to explain to him that the word he just said is a cuss word and the bible says that we shouldnt say those words.( I left out the part that Mommy sometimes says them when she's angry) I admit that I had to restrain myself from laughing... but when you really think about it- its kind of a loss of innocence. I know, I know.. Im dramatic. BIG surprise. But I was perfectly content with stupid and shut up being the worst words in the world!
They do grow up so fast but I can see wehre you and Kev are guiding him and Carson with the best care. I love you guys.
Oh just wait till Carson says one. I have no doubt that he will pick a good one :)
It's even funnier when they use it out of context :)
So funny, but so true! I do have to agree with Lisa though! Carson is the one who will bust out with it first ;) My sweet, perfect and innocent little nephews!!!!
Oh sister....I feel you. Micah came home the other day asking what a certain word was and I almost peed my pants!
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