Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hide -n-Seek and Stories...

So tonight we spent the evening playing games. Dayne and I played Battleship while Carson watched. When Kev came home from work, they played Hide and Seek while I cooked dinner. The boys were supposed to be finding Kevin and they were really having a hard time. So I joined in to help. Well, I found him but instead of telling the boys where to find him, I ran for the camera. This is so hilarious! Heeheee. Kevin is going to be so mad that I posted this picture!
In case you cant see the picture very well, he's in the dog kennel. And it was just as funny watching him crawl out!
After all of that, we sat down and read LOTS of books. I have so many fond memories of my mom reading to me. Back then, just the sound of her voice was soothing to me.. And I love being able to pass that tradition on to my kids! Most of the books are about trucks and mud, but hey, beggers can't be choosers!
I hope you are all having a very blessed week!


Nancy Potts said...

I love it that you just play. The boys will always remember these times.

fivemjs said...

You are a good mommy Ash. Keep it up!

Team Raney said...

I love it!