Friday, November 7, 2008

Ok. So today Im going to write how I feel. I usually dont feel a need to just write things like this out, but today, I cant get it out of my head. Earlier today, I was blog surfing and I went to my friend, Marianne's daughter's site. Since then, I have not been able to get it out of my head. Most of you have probably seen the link called Sweet Kenna on my friends list. This is a site for Marianne's sweet 4 year old who has struggled her whole precious life. If you get a minute, visit her page... you will never be the same.
Anyway, let me start by saying that I have been struggling lately. Struggling with alot of things in life, but most importantly, my walk with God. I havent wanted to go to church, read my bible or pray. And unfortunately its all out of selfishness and laziness. And then today I had a wakeup call. As I was reading Marianne's post, I couldnt help but feel so overwhelmed for her and Makenna. So many things they could be sad and angry about... But they arent. They are thankful and the give all their thanks to God. Marianne started talking about a website called Birthverse and she looked up all the verses for her family. Then she got to Makenna's. And Makenna's birth verse is Matthew 9:21
She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed."

I could feel the color drain from my face. I got goose bumps from my head to my toes. God has never felt so real to me as he does right now. It was as if that verse was created JUST for her. At JUST the right time. For JUST the right reason. And it makes me realize that God really does hear us. He really is IN LOVE with us. Yes I know God loves me and my family... But for some reason, this was an AHA moment for me. Cant explain it. Im not even going to try. But I sure am glad that Marianne found that today. And Im so thankful that God has used that to get my attention. Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble........ I love you all!


fivemjs said...

Oh Ash....I don't even know what to say....

Lisa said...

That gave me goose bumps too :)

Gidget said...

Wow, I just stumbled on your blog and this post made me tear up. God is so awesome!
Be blessed!