Monday, November 17, 2008

I wasnt kidding!

I really wasnt kidding when I said that you never know what you are going to get in our house. Yesterday, we went to church(which was AWESOME) and when we got home, Kevin left to go fishing with a friend. I was in the bathroom, talking to my sister.I know, that in itself is weird. But anyway, Carson started crying... hard. I rushed off the phone to see what was wrong and this is how I found him..

I immediately started trying to figure out where the blood was coming from. He was crying really hard and pulling at his nose. I finally got him calmed down enough to tell me that something was IN his nose.... I reached in and (after a few minutes) finally pulled it out....

What is it,you ask? A red skittle. Crammed so far up his nose that it was changing shape to move up his nasal passage. See--- never a dull moment!

On another note, Kevin and I watched Lilly and Gaby last night and I just had to show you these pictures. This is prayer time- right before bed. SO PRECIOUS! All 4 kids on their knees, praying.


Johnson's said...

I am laughing so hard at that.. I vaguely remember that Kevin stuck a red hot up his nose and it did teh very same thing!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad he wasn't there to get it out for you :)

Unknown said...

Carson saw me looking at his picture and the skittle and he said.... My mommy say, "don't do dat adain!"

Nancy Potts said...

That picture of Carson is EXACTLY like the one of Kevin with a red hot stuck up his nose. He was probably the same age too. Like Father like Son!!! Beware!

fivemjs said...

OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE you had to pull a skittle out of your kids nose. That is so incredibly awesome!!!!