Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas '08

We have had a busy Christmas this year! We went to the Potts house Christmas Eve, had our own on Christmas morning and then went to my mom's house that day. LOTS of fun times! And presents! And family time! So here it goes!

Every year, Nana and the kids decorate Christmas cookies, but I think the kids just liked to eat the dough..

Happy Birthday to Jesus!
Taking a break!
Aunt Katie and Uncle Jared came in town, and Dayne spent a few days coloring him a picture for his refridgerator. He LOVES Jared!

After the Potts Christmas, we went to the Christmas Eve service at Lakepointe, and then headed off to Braum's for our tradition of ice cream for dinner. Unfortunately, they closed when we got there and I thougt we were going to have two crying kids, but Daddy came to the rescue. He went in and asked the manager if we could PLEASE come in and get ice cream and thankfully, they let us! Super dad to the rescue! After our ice cream, we went to look at christmas lights and then went home to read the story of Jesus and bed time... Can you believe that our kids slept until 7:45????

Carson was sooo cute. He had no idea what this was but he was EXCITED! The next picture was his reaction to it. SO precious!

He kept saying"Thank you mommy. This is what I have always wanted my whole life"

Dayne and his new pellot gun!

Both the boys have really been into basketball lately, so we splurged and got them a goal. Dayne's reaction is priceless
Sadie girl with her new toy! Isnt she cute?

I ran out of batteries for Christmas with my mom. So I dont have any pictures of that. But it was a fun day, full of screaming kids! There are so many kids now(13) and we dont really get to get together that often. Its always a Blast when everyone is together! Kevin and I learned alot about Christmas this year. We are so blessed to have so many family and friends to spend time with. We love you all dearly and hope that you all had a great Christmas!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Those pictures of their faces for their presents are priceless. Glad you had a great Christmas. Enjoy the rest of the time off.